Tracks to Adventure TV series – En-route production of the television show “Tracks to Adventure” will take place on initial Journeys. Have some related fun. Ask reservations for details.
Early booking savings – 210 or more days before departure 12%, 175 days 9%, 140 days 6%.
Normal group discounts apply when 4 or more bedrooms (Journeys) are reserved at the same time, and are 4% of normal fares for 4 Journeys, 5% for 5, 6% for 6, 7% for 7 and 8% of normal fares for 8 or more reservations. Additional group discounts may be available under certain circumstances.
Contact Reservations at 817 696-1507 or by email at
Unless otherwise specifically provided for, special offers can’t be
combined with vacation credits, other discounts or fare reductions.