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America’s Trains Inc. (ATs)

See (click on) a short video overview
817 696-1507 – [email protected]
America’s Trains’ (“ATs”) present management is unmatched and growing, with active and pending (available as expansion requires) rail operating, vacation, hospitality and selling industry veterans that are the foundation for and mentors of a growing team of of skilled, infallible (to the extent possible) passenger service, Car maintenance and other personnel who will optimize the enduring growth of ATs.
ATs’ business plan and Journey by Rail services evolved from and are based on a combination of unsurpassed experience and capabilities, including but not limited to the following.
  • Over 50 combined years of rail car management and operations.
  • Owner, operator of regional passenger train services.
  • Years of comprehensive experience and knowledge about train car repairs and rehabilitation.
  • Owner and manager of helicopter, commuter airline, and major commercial air cushion vehicle (36 passenger, 5 tons of cargo, military services) operations in Canada, the USA and elsewhere.
  • Manager, developer and an owner of resort properties located in Mexico, Canada and the United States including properties of up to 10,000 acres and major timeshare developments.
  • Owner and manager of the first international retail travel agency franchise that became the largest travel agency chain in North America with offices in the United States and Canada.
  • Owner and management of the first cruise only retail travel agency franchise with offices in the United States and Canada.
  • Creation of hundreds of wholesale, group, air, sea, land and other travel packages.
  • Managed annualized travel and vacation sales that grew to exceed $700 million per year (in current dollars).
  • Producer of travel oriented television shows.
  • Shareholder and ownership in cruise lines and of smaller ships.
  • Extensive success selling vacation ownership products including typical real estate, vacation club and cruise ship timeshare programs.
  • Owner, management and sales of shared ownership luxury vacation programs and properties.
  • Over 30 years of up-scale food and beverage, hotel and customer service management.
  • Extensive guest reservation, support and related service experience.
  • Go to (click on) CEO1 for a related brief video overview, with sound, and CEO2 for a Linkedin resume.
Some management support, services and assistance is wisely and economically outsourced and acquired by contracted collaboration with highly qualified entities including Amtrak, RCI, railroad industry experts and key selected travel industry entities.
Relationships and Affiliations that have been and are a source of management guidance includes:
  • AAPRCO (American Association of Private Railroad Car Owners
  • RTIA (Rail Travel International Association)
  • RPCA (Railroad Passenger Car Alliance)
  • AAR (Association of American Railroads)
  • CLIA (Cruise Line International Association)
  • ARDA (American Resort Development Association)
  • ASTA (American Society of Travel Agents)
  • RCI (Resort Condominiums International)
  • IFA (International Franchise Association)
  • Vacation.com (Consortium)
  • OSSN (Outside Sales Support Network – travel)

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